Coffee Knowledge Base
How to: Tips & Tricks

26 February 2024

How to prepare espresso based coffee drinks

How to prepare espresso based coffee drinks

In this blog we will show you how to master different espresso based coffee drinks. These drinks are prepared with an espresso machine and always involve a single or double espresso as the basic ingredient.


A ristretto contains between 15 and 25 ml of coffee and a preparation between 25 and 30 seconds, producing a nice, thick, deep brown crema on the surface.

How to prepare a ristretto

*Crema – This comprises the fats and sugars that are pressed out of the coffee through high pressure.


 An espresso contains between 25 and 30 ml of coffee and a preparation between 25 and 30 seconds, producing a nice, thick, deep brown crema on the surface.

How to prepare an espresso

*Crema – This comprises the fats and sugars that are pressed out of the coffee through high pressure.


An americano is an espresso diluted with hot water.

How to prepare an americano

Long black

A long black is similar to the Americano, but the espresso is made on top of the additional hot water.

How to prepare a long black

Espresso macchiato

Espresso macchiato literally means an ‘espresso marked with milk‘. So this is a steamed espresso with a touch of steamed milk (milk froth).

How to prepare an espresso macchiato


A cortado is the Spanish variant of the macchiato. Cortado describes an espresso with a little hot milk, but not milk froth.

How to prepare a cortado


A cappuccino is an espresso topped with steamed milk and finished with latte art. The total content of a cup of cappuccino is between 15 and 18 cl. A proper cappuccino has a froth layer measuring 1 cm.

How to prepare a cappuccino

Latte macchiato

With a latte macchiato, you pour the milk in a glass first. If you do not use a glass this has no effect. Then you wait just enough time for the milk to settle separating the liquid milk and the froth. Then you gently pour an espresso into the milk. The espresso will drop between the milk and the froth to form the typical white-brown-white layers.

How to prepare a latte macchiato

Flat white

There are different variants of this type. Usually this means a double shot of espresso with thin steamed milk. In other words, you get a higher coffee concentration and a less creamy and smooth texture.

How to prepare a flat white

* Sometimes it is made with a single shot.

Cold brew on tap or nitro cold brew

This involves cold coffee pulled from a barrel with added nitrogen (nitro) so that you get fizzy coffee. It seems as if you are drinking coffee-flavoured beer and it looks like Guinness. It has an especially characteristic changing mouthfeel. The texture becomes creamier and the coffee tastes sweeter without adding any sugar. 

How to prepare a cold brew on tap or nitro cold brew